Georgia Govenor Jimmy Carter is presented with
a copy of
Canada / A Year of the Land

Canada/A Year of the Land

Lorraine Monk with Her First Book
Canada and China

Canadian Minister of Trade, the Honourable Jean Luc Pepin
Presents a copy of : "Canada/ A Year of the Land to
President Chou en Lai in China
This photo appeared in the Toronto Globe & Mail, July 6, 1971
- a year before President Richard Nixon and his Trade Delegation
arrived in China the following year.
Stones of History, Canada’s Houses of Parliament
Tésmoin d’un Siècle, Le Palais du Government Canadien
Call Them Canadians
Ces visages qui sont un Pays

Image Series: 1967 - 1971
Image 1:
The Many Worlds of Lutz Dille
Image 2:

Photography in Canada
Image 3:
Other Places...Sous D’Autres Cieux
Image 4:

If This is the Time
Image 5:

Seeds of Spacefields
Image 6:
A Review of Contemporary Photography in Canada
Image 7:

Polyptyque Deux/Polyptych Two
The work of Montréal photographer, Normand Grégoire.
Image 8:
BC Almanac (H) C-B
The work of 15 West Coast artists.
Image 9:
Photography by Pierre Vinet
Introduction by Gene Youngblood.
Image 10:

Les Ouviers
Photographs by Montréal photographer, Pierre Goudard.
Signature Series:
Signature 1:
Photographs by Montréal photographer, Tom Gibson.
Signature 2:
Signature 3:
Photographs by Toronto photographer, Michael Torosian.
Séries Quatre:
Photographs by Montréal photographer, Normand. Grégoire.
A Time to Dream/Rêveries en Coleurs

Commissioned by Prime Minister Trudeau as his personal gift to Her Majesty the Queen
and Heads of State attending the Commonwealth Conference in Ottawa
This book won the Silver Medal at the Leipzig Book Fair in Germany, in
“The Most Beautiful Book in the World” category.
Canada, Fishing/La Pêche
The Female Eye/Coup D’Oeil Feminin
Produced to celebrate International Women’s Year.
Between Friends/Entre Amis
This book was Canada’s gift to the U.S.A. on its 200th Birthday.
Copies of the book were placed in Public Libraries across America. Among its many international awards,
Between Friends/Entre Amis won the Gold Medal at the International Book Fair in Leipzig, Germany for
“Outstanding Achievement in the Art of Book Creation”.
McClelland and Stewart published a commercial edition of Between Friends/Entre Amis, in Canada.
Over a quarter of a million copies sold in 3 months.
The last 75 copies sold for $595.00 a copy.

President Gerald Ford is presented with the first copy of
Between Friends/Entre Amis
by Prime Minister Trudeau at the White House
Lorraine Monk shares a laugh.

Lorraine Monk Producer of
Between Friends/Entre Amis,
Receives the Gold Medal
of the Leipzig International Book Fair
“Outstanding achievement in the Art of
Book Creation”
Canadian Government Film Commissioner Andre Lamy, (left)
German Ambassador Norbert Reemer (center)
Robert Bourdeau Monograph
A technological masterpiece, printed in the newly developed
“sinetone” screenless printing process.
Canada With Love/Canada Avec Amour

To celebrate the Patriation of the Constitution.
“First Prize, Gallery of Superb Printing”, awarded by the
Toronto Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1983.
Sold over 200,000 copies.

Lorraine Monk shows Pierre Trudeau
one of his famous quotations
in her popular book
Canada With Love / Canada Avec Amour.

Lorraine Monk stands in front of colourful billboard
promoting Canada With Love/Canada Avec Amour

Publisher Jack McClelland and Lorraine Monk at the launch of
Canada With Love / Canada Avec Amour
Celebrate Our City

To celebrate Toronto’s 150th Anniversary.
Ontario/A Loving Look
To celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Province of Ontario.
Photographs That Changed the World
To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the invention of photography.
Introduction by Walter Cronkite. In 1989, the American Library Association.
selected Photographs That Changed The World as
“One of the Twenty-five Best Books in the World”

Romancing the Land
Former Ontario Premier David Peterson hailed this book as
“The Unity Book”.
The Premier personally sent copies to politicians across Canada.
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien praised it highly.

Canada: These Things We Hold Dear
To celebrate the contribution made by Canadian photographers
to our national awareness and our national identity.
Awarded the “Unisource Trophy” for Excellence.
Won Printing Industries of America’s highest award for printing excellence:
and the coveted Benjamin Franklin Trophy for “The Best Printed Book in the World” also,
The International Association of Printing House Excellence Award, for
"The Best Book Printed in a New Technology". The book was printed in the
Stochastic Screening Process, using seven colours.
The “Premier Print Award” for “Demonstrating a unique ability to create a Visual Masterpiece”,
Awarded by the Printing Industries of America, 2000.


Books in Production
Moritz Liebling
Drawings by a young Polish Jew who died in Auschwitz.

A Novel
The White Rose of Munich
A young Canadian photographer sets
out to change the world with her camera.
Photographic Book
Canada Con Amore/
Canada With Love
With Canadian Italian Poetry
